I’m Sloane Gerritzen,
the writer & editor who makes your message change the world
Fantastic products & people (with messages our world NEEDS) are the ones who get overlooked.
I’m tired of finding amazing products lost in the shadows. The people behind them are role models for positive change, healing, and the life we all deserve to live.
Yet their businesses struggle to make sales. Their solutions struggle to impact our world at the scale they could.
Words are alchemy.
The power of writing that’s authentic, useful, and easily engaging will initiate and seal a devoted relationship between you and your customer (and their friends).
The reverse is also true. Bad writing = business blunders.
Strategic communication makes your business easy to find and love.
Unforgettable storytelling to put you in the spotlight.
It’s today’s key to business success.
Unforgettable storytelling of a life-improving product that works with modern search algorithms (I.E. the people the algorithms are programmed to serve — the people you’re seeking).
Team up with me. I’ll help your dream market find you, love your message, and join your mission.
Having a high-quality product is not enough anymore. What & how you write about it is EQUALLY important.
Fact: you can’t just make something awesome, then wait for the sales to pour in.
And you can’t just throw together an email or a $50 Instagram ad, then wait for either to go viral.
Through smart SEO and timeless writing and editing, I'll make your words — your gateway to a person’s heart & wallet — deliver sales for you and a better life for your customers.
Sound good?
I bring your voice & vision to life through engaging storytelling & smart SEO for the widespread impact you’re here to create.
Do you have an idea, product, or program that improves lives?
Are you the change we wish to see in the world?
Let’s move our world forward.
Let’s write your story.
Brands I’ve worked with for messages worth spreading
CLIENT QUOTES — because in testimonials we trust